How to make your past relationships work in your favour
How to make your past relationships work in your favour
It is important to set a boundary with your past life, that is, to deal with your old relationship patterns to discontinue. Your history can be your best friend or worst enemy in terms of helping in your current and future relationships. No one start a relationship completely competent and ready to go. You may come from a good family and stable background. You may be a decent and rational person. These are great characteristics. But, even given these advantages, relationships are experienced through many hours of trial and error.
The history is important because it is the database of all those trial-and-error experiences. Your history can provide a great deal of necessary information on what to do and what to avoid in dating, either through the satisfaction of doing it right, or the pain of doing it wrong. To scheme over the past in an attitude of, I don’t need to think about it, it’s all behind me, and tomorrow is a new day, is to ignore important aspects of relationship competence. On the other hand, to pay attention to what you have done before is to take ownership of your present and future, which you can do something about.
The Motivats are focused at helping you deal with how your history affects your relationships, and what you can do to make your past work for you, instead of against you. Do not let your past hinder and slow you.