How to increase your odds of finding your date
How to increase your odds of finding your date
Both sexes are guilty of leaving their love lives to chance. Blame it on the fairy tales read to us as kids, blame it on Hollywood, but the fact remains that we’ve come to believe that true love is the product of fate. We’ve all been led to believe that someday it will just ‘happen’, that one day fate will drop the person of our dreams right next to us while we’re standing at a red light. The fate-will-bring-me-love approach lacks urgency, which leads to lack of action. We assume that ‘when the time is right’ the right guy will come along, and in the meantime we focus on our work, our ambitions, our families, our friends, our hobbies. That’s not to say that these are not all highly fulfilling aspects of your life in their own right, but we want to help you understand how within these essential parts of your life are opportunities to find the man of your dreams.
When people focus on these parts in isolation from their love life, years pass, and one day this lack of urgency turns into panic. We become frantic as we realize that not only is nothing happening in our love life, but we are at a loss as to how to make it happen, which of course leads to more panic, creating a loop of frustration, at best, or hopelessness at worst. You may be following this course because you keep asking yourself (and perhaps your sisters, brothers, girlfriends and colleagues), ‘Where are all the good dates to be found?’ If you’re gradually coming to the realization that fate isn’t cooperating, you might be on the verge of seeing that you’re going to have to be proactive. You are going to have to go out and find your date.
And how do you find him?
It’s a very simple principle: To increase your odds of finding your date, you have to meet more and interact with more people!