Jan 17, 2023 Mercy Motivat

In our previous article we highlighted who a matchmaker is and so the next logical question is how does it all come together? Let start by saying matchmaking is not about chance or fate, it’s actually more scientific than most of us imagine. There are algorithms involved so that the matchmaker does not rely just on their own intuition whether someone is a good fit for you. It’s also a methodical process that ensures that the results will be worth the wait, and that’s why we say it’s a journey. When you approach a matchmaker, you must have an open mind, not set in your ways, just like we trust other professionals and their words bear weight, so should you trust your matchmaker.

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Jan 13, 2023 Mercy Motivat

This month we have committed to sending out love affirmations to the singles out there, in the hope that they become part of your belief system. And here is why, what you feed your mind constantly tends to manifest itself whether in a positive and negative way. With time your words, your thought patterns, your belief system become aligned to that to the extent that it requires radical change to act differently. We have all heard stories about hurt and pain due to love, we also hear love stories that are like fairy tales, it’s what you believe about the kind of love you deserve, that’s what you attract. This month, together let us make positive affirmations about love, let us throw good thoughts about love out there and watch it manifest. There have been success stories of people who stand in the mirror every morning and repeat life affirming words, and it works. Through it all our message to you will be consistent because we want to believe that love is within your grasp but you must want it and be ready for it.

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Jan 10, 2023 Mercy Motivat

Love language is the way we express love to our significant other and also how we prefer love expressed to us. Picture this, you are sitting on a couch, it’s a quiet evening probably watching a movie. Would you rather be cozied up in one blanket, close to each other sharing a bowl of popcorn, or would you rather be in different couches each cozy in their own way and each with a bowl of popcorn? That question is simple and not so simple, there are things in a relationship we don’t pay attention to and they lead to a quiet frustration. 

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