The value of integrity in the dating process
The value of integrity in the dating process
A person with integrity sticks to their principles. Having integrity is about knowing what your own standards are, and being completely comfortable with them. A person of integrity doesn’t compromise what they believe in simply in order to seek approval from others, nor does they let bad behaviour slide in order to try and fit in. If they find someone they are attracted to, they won’t recalibrate their values to match them. This is true for large issues and for small ones. It’s about being loyal to your friends, not being overly critical of others, and refraining from harmful gossip. It could mean being polite to staff at a restaurant. These actions, large and small, set you apart as a person of high value. As is true of having confidence, integrity is not only an attractive trait, but one that ought to be cultivated for your best self.
For the purposes of getting the date, integrity sends a message to a date that they can expect you to hold steady to your values; and this establishes trust. When a date trusts you, they will listen more attentively and know that what you say has real weight. If your interactions come from a place of integrity, then you set up a dynamic where you can expect the same from your date. Face it, a person of real integrity is not going to put up with a date who lacks it. Holding fast to your own helps them to know what is to be expected of them, and they feel challenged to not disappoint you.